Customer Reviews
At Medical-Objects we are dedicated to being the best in the industry. On this page you can read reviews from a number of our many customers who enjoy our products and services. We are very proud of our accomplishments and will continue to provide our customers with the best products, service and technology.
desiree from emerald lakes medical wrote

great service

DR A Clarke wrote

Lovely as per usual

Janet from Rhonda Lawson and Assoc wrote

great help. Thanks

Irene Miano from Seven Hills Family Doctors wrote

Excellent service as always. Thank you 🙂

Shannon from Monto Family Practice wrote

Very Capable support - thnak you

Huu from Medcentral Knox wrote

patiently helped us, issue fixed. Thank you!

Russell Prieslty from Miles Medical Centre wrote


Tim from Performance Podiatry wrote

All good , problem solved on first call

Alison from Burwood Park Medical Service wrote

Very Helpful and friendly

Bernard Gerber from Dr Gerber's Surgery wrote

Very timely assistance, very proficient, very helpful.

Lynette Parer from Lynette Parer Accredited Pharmacist wrote

Super helpful !

Dr Sam Kim from St Andrew's Place wrote

Again, very prompt and comprehensive service. Knowledgeable as always. Well done.

Paula Nash from Strathpine wrote

Very grateful for the help in reinstalling the programme onto a new computer

Steve Oreo from Sam wrote


Emily from Mitchell Physio wrote

so quick and easy to fix the problem THANKS SO MUCH

Medical-Objects Reviews

15/96-102 Wises Rd, Buderim QLD 4556
Clinical Applications, Messaging and Integration
Feedback and Reviews from just a few of our very many customers who enjoy our products and services.
4.94 out of 5 with 6534 ratings

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The Medical-Objects Review Policy aims to comply with the ACCC Guidelines for Managing Online Reviews.

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